dental implant

Single Tooth Dental Implant – to Create a Vibrant Smile

Losing a tooth can be both embracing and painful. However, you are not forced to live with that gap in your smile for a lifetime. There are many reasons for losing a tooth which includes accidental damage, decay, infection or more. Advancement in dental technologies from the past has made dental implants a golden standard […]

Wisdom Teeth Removal Reasons

Reasons for Wisdom Teeth Removal

The wisdom teeth removal is one of the most common surgical procedures carried out in Australia. However, there is no rule to remove your wisdom teeth. But, due to the impact they have on oral health, most people choose to have them extracted. Wisdom teeth are the last set of molars to come through your […]

Wisdom teeth Removal for missing tooth

Know the Consequences of Not Replacing a Missing Tooth

Do you know on an average, Australian adults are missing about five teeth? The Australian Dental Association reveals that 16percent of the adult population have a handful of teeth in their mouths. Also, approximately three million Australian adults are missing a third of their teeth as they consume more than double the recommended amount of […]

About Dental Implants

Dental Implants Surgery and its Advantages!

A dental implant is a high-tech tooth replacement that impersonates the whole tooth structure. Despite a lot of dental advancements, millions of people around the world suffer tooth loss due to periodontal diseases, injuries or decays. For many years, there were only dentures and bridges to restore a missing tooth, but nowadays dental implants Sydney […]

Dental Implants Diet

Diet after Dental Implants – Tips

Have you had your dental implants fixed recently? So, the hard part is over, and you are now on the way to recovery. Dental implants are a common procedure to replace a missing tooth. They restore not only your smile but also your ability to chew and eat. The process involved in the dental implant […]

Teeth implants in Sydney

Dental Implants – An Affordable Way to Replace a Missing Tooth

For people who are embarrassed about their smile due to the space created by missing teeth, dental implants are a boon! Yes, dental implants have revolutionised dentistry, making it possible to replace a single tooth or multiple teeth. Dental implants provide greater structural support and last longer than dentures and bridges. The dental implants in […]

wisdom teeth removal cost Sydney

Insights on Wisdom Teeth Removal and Dry Socket

We all have heard the horror stories of people how have had their wisdom teeth removed. Many of those stories include the inconvenience of oral surgery and painful dry socket. Of course, pulling out your wisdom teeth is not a particularly enjoyable experience. But, not two patients are same. Wisdom teeth removal doesn’t have to […]

Disadvantages of Dental Implants

An Extensive Guide To dental implants

Living with a missing tooth is often distressing for a patient. Gone are the days when there where dentures and bridges are the only options to replace a missing tooth. With the advancement of implant dentistry, dental implants have now become the ideal choice for replacing a missing tooth. The dental implants cost is affordable, […]

Guide to Wisdom Teeth Removal Facts

A Guide to Wisdom Teeth Removal Facts

Having wisdom teeth removed can be a scary thought for many. Yes, people mistakenly believe that wisdom teeth removal is a painful and a costly procedure. But it is not true. It is not as bad as you imagine. The wisdom teeth removal cost in Sydney is affordable, and it is a painless procedure. You […]